IMEXHS is listed on the Australian stock exchange

Nov 26, 2019


IMEXHS is a company listed on the Australian stock exchange that was founded in 2012 in Colombia by two Neuroradiology professors, Dr. Germán Arango Bonnet and Dr. Jorge Marin and by software expert for the radiology industry Andres Vanegas. Dedicated to improving the processes of the health sector with specific focus on innovation, technology and medical experience. 


 In 2016 the company launched the Hiruko™ RIS 2.7 (new standard), without delay and after analyzing the demands of users the Hiruko™ Web Viewer developed in HTML5 arrives to improve the workflow allowing to run complex algorithms in the most dusty browsers, Firefox, Chrome and Safari without the need for specialized software or hardware. By then 42 collaborators were part of this venture.






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