Based in Mexico City, Mexico, Diagnóstico Móvil will now be able to enjoy the benefits that Aquila 3.0 Ultimate offers, helping the company to continue providing excellent service.
Dedicated to offering highly specialized medical studies to people who are unable to go to a medical centre, Diagnóstico Móvil will now have the support of Aquila 3.0 Ultimate by IMEXHS, allowing the company to continue being at the forefront of portable medical equipment, while providing a fast and efficient service.
By purchasing a subscription to Aquila 3.0 Ultimate radiology software for its two locations,, Diagnóstico Móvil will be able to modernize its services and strengthen its operations to make it more efficient, based on the importance of remote interpretation. It will also benefit from optimization of its schedule management and delivery of results.
For this project, which will have a duration of two years, as per the current contract, the goal is to achieve ten monthly studies at the headquarters in Mexico City and 40 monthly studies at its branch in Guadalajara.
Rubén Caballero, also from Mexico City, was the account executive that made Diagnostico Movil’s acquisition of Aquila 3.0 Ultimate possible. This project has been carried out through the IMEXHS Partners Program, a program with multiple benefits dedicated to IMEXHS partners.
Aquila 3.0 Ultimate is a comprehensive solution for the complete and efficient management of the radiological workflow. Its functions include:
1. Processing of radiology exams from any source.
– Local PACS
– CT, MRI, X- Ray Modalities
– Aquila Local PACS
2. Uploading of data to the secure VNA Cloud.
3. Image lifecycle management.
4. Access to exams anywhere, and anytime through IMEXHS’s modern Universal Web Viewer.
5. Access to a smart reading worklist powered by StellA.I.
6. Improved reading experience with Nuance speech recognition.
7. Sharing of results (images and reports) through a Versatile Portal with patients and referring physicians.
8. Management of the entire patient workflow within a Radiology Department, including scheduling, admission, study acquisition and result distribution.
9. Use of the most complete online Business Intelligence tool (Powered by Power BI) to know and manage what is happening in a Department, in real time from anywhere.