IMEXHS and its new product updates

In addition to the launch of the new version of AQUILA® 3.5, at IMEXHS® we have more surprises for you with the following releases that we have prepared in our commitment to remain at the forefront and provide the best solutions for doctors and patients.

That is why we present to you:

ALULA® 3.0

ALULA 3.0 pathology solution comes loaded with new features such as ease of modernization, renewed design and a friendly, intuitive, and easy to navigate platform that offers an improved user experience, meeting the best standards in the market.

IMEXHS® Portal 2.0

Our web portal has been renewed, featuring an improved design in a more intuitive and user-friendly platform that now provides the ability to share studies with a single click, via email or a secure link. Other new features include automatic notification to the referring physician and an enhanced user experience.

DICOM Gateway 1.0

We are happy to introduce a new product that offers an easier and faster way to share images, at lower costs and without the need for hardware. In addition, it installs in just 30 seconds, reusing the customer’s existing infrastructure.


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