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Identification of Preoperative Language Tracts for Intrinsic Frontotemporal Diseases: A Pilot Reconstruction Algorithm in a Middle-Income Country

Identification of Preoperative Language Tracts for Intrinsic Frontotemporal Diseases: A Pilot Reconstruction Algorithm in a Middle-Income Country

The Journal of World Neurosurgery in a case study concludes that the successful application of a safe, timely and affordable DTI tractography reconstruction algorithm to aid in planning of language pathways in intrinsic frontotemporal lesions and in postoperative evaluation of the integrity of the white matter of the tract.

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Glasgow Coma Scale Functional Neuroanatomy

Glasgow Coma Scale Functional Neuroanatomy

The Glasgow Coma Scale (ECG) is a globally recognized scale for the classification of patients with traumatic brain injury according to their neurological compromise. This scale assesses eye opening, verbal response, and motor response. Functional neuroanatomy...

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