
¿Qué hay de nuevo en IMEXHS? Conoce nuestro blog de soluciones biomédicas.

IMEXHS es parte del RSNA 2019

Del 1 al 4 de diciembre se celebra en Chicago la reunión anual de la RSNA, donde radiólogos, ...

Our latest innovations released on the show

RSNA has published an article in Daily Bulletin, about one of our latest innovations released on ...

Colombian radiology services contract enables IMEXHS to develop artificial intelligence and machine learning tools

Australian medical imaging company IMEXHS Limited (ASX: IME) has signed a 12-month, $3.93 million ...

FDA Clearance

FDA is a regulatory, scientific and public health agency that oversees all manufacture, import, ...

Meet you at RSNA 2019

The world's largest annual radiology congress will be held in Chicago starting December the 1st. ...

We were nominated by as "Best New Radiology Vendor" is an online forum and resoruce for radiologits and other medical imaging ...

A treat to the most important Colombian radiologists

During the 44th Colombian radiology congress, IMEXHS summoned the most important radiologists of ...

44th Colombian Congress of Radiology

From the 7th to the 10th of August 2019, the 44th Colombian Congress of Radiology was held, one of ...

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