Con una vasta experiencia en Neuroradiología e ingeniería de software, IMEXHS lidera la transformación digital de la industria de imágenes médicas al proporcionar tecnologías avanzadas para hospitales y clínicas que son escalables, adaptables, accesibles y pueden ofrecer una interoperabilidad fluida mientras mantienen la integridad de los datos.

IMEXHS, múltiples vías de crecimiento hacia nuevos mercados
Con nuestra tecnología disruptiva tienes acceso a herramientas y procesos avanzados, que médicos y pacientes necesitan con urgencia. Desde 2012 hemos desarrollado soluciones médicas integrales para resolver dos problemas globales: el costo prohibitivo de la atención y la necesidad de tener acceso a la tecnología moderna.
Junta directiva
Desde que dos radiólogos y dos ingenieros de software fundaron IMEXHS, el directorio corporativo se ha diversificado gracias al crecimiento de la empresa. Son profesionales comprometidos con el desarrollo de soluciones biomédicas para el sector salud.

Señor Doug Flynn
Presidente no ejecutivo
El Sr. Flynn es un líder empresarial con experiencia en Europa y Australia, dirigiendo empresas en sectores como fabricación, minería, servicios empresariales, medios y marketing. Ha ocupado roles no ejecutivos en medios, tecnología e infraestructura, liderando compañías como News International, Aegis Group y Rentokil Initial, y actualmente preside NextDC Ltd.

Señor Carlos Palacio
Presidente no ejecutivo
El Sr. Palacio, con más de 27 años de experiencia en informática, telecomunicaciones y gestión estratégica, es director general de CrossPoint Telecommunications, empresa especializada en soluciones informáticas para organizaciones multinacionales. Es ingeniero eléctrico con especialización en telecomunicaciones y posee dos másteres en administración por la Universidad Macquarie.

Dr Doug Lingard
Presidente no ejecutivo
El Sr. Lingard, radiólogo y médico nuclear con amplia experiencia, ha ocupado cargos de dirección en Auckland, Washington DC y Sídney. Fue cofundador de Pittwater Radiology Partners, que tras fusiones y adquisiciones se convirtió en Medical Imaging Australasia Ltd. Es licenciado en medicina por la Universidad de Otago y miembro de diversas asociaciones profesionales en Australia y Nueva Zelanda.

Señor Damian Banks
Presidente no ejecutivo
El Sr. Banks es un líder empresarial con experiencia en la expansión de empresas en salud, empleo y banca, enfocándose en gestión financiera, tecnología y clientes. Fue CEO de Konekt Ltd, dirigiéndola desde su cotización en ASX en 2012 hasta su venta en 2019. Anteriormente, ocupó cargos en Westpac Banking Corporation y actualmente es director en Boom Logistics Ltd y RPM Automotive Group Ltd.

Dr Germán Arango
Presidente no ejecutivo
El Dr. Arango es un radiólogo con más de 17 años de experiencia en Colombia. Se especializó en Neurorradiología Diagnóstica en la Universidad McGill y realizó estudios en la Universidad El Bosque y la Universidad de La Sabana. Ha sido profesor de Neurorradiología en programas de residencia de Radiología, Neurología y Neurocirugía en las principales universidades de Colombia.
- 28/02/24
FY23 Investor Presentation
- 31/08/23
Investor Presentation - 1H FY23 Results
- 16/05/23
AGM - Chairman & CEO Addresses / Presentation
- 23/03/23
IMEXHS Investor Update
- 28/02/23
FY22 Investor Presentation
- 30/08/22
Investor Presentation - 1H FY22 Results
- 03/08/22
Investor Presentation - Capital Raising
- 19/05/22
AGM Presentation
- 21/03/22
IMEXHS 5-year Strategy Presentation
- 28/02/22
FY21 Investor Presentation
- 24/11/21
Morgans Technology Conference Presentation
- 28/10/21
EGM Presentation
- 30/08/21
Investor Presentation - 1H FY21 Results
- 13/05/21
AGM Presentation
- 18/03/21
Coffee MicroCaps Presentation
- 26/02/21
Investor Presentation - FY20 Result
- 22/10/20
Investor Presentation - Capital Raising
- 31/08/20
1HFY20 Presentation
- 20/05/20
Annual General Meeting Presentation
- 29/03/20
IMEXHS-Corporate Presentation
- 20/10/19
Presentation to Microcap Conference
- 03/05/19
Corporate Presentation
- 02/03/19
IMEXHS Corporate Presentation
- 12/11/18
Corporate Presentation
- 07/09/18
Corporate Update & Investor Presentation
- 30/05/24
Notification regarding unquoted securities - IME
- 29/04/24
2024 Q1 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C
- 24/04/24
Appendix 3Y - German Arango
- 24/04/24
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 24/04/24
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 24/04/24
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 24/04/24
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 24/04/24
Cleansing Notice under section 708A(5)(e)
- 24/04/24
Completion of Conditional Placement
- 23/04/24
Notification regarding unquoted securities - IME
- 23/04/24
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 23/04/24
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 23/04/24
Results of AGM
- 23/04/24
AGM - Chairman & CEO Addresses / Presentation
- 08/04/24
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 21/03/24
Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 21/03/24
IMEXHS renews software contracts
- 14/03/24
Cleansing Notice under section 708A(5)(e)
- 13/03/24
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 13/03/24
Appendix 2A - Application for quotation of securities
- 10/03/24
Proposed issue of securities - IME
- 10/03/24
IME Successfully Raises $1.5m via a Placement
- 06/03/24
Trading Halt
- 28/02/24
Appendix 4E
- 28/02/24
Annual Report to shareholders
- 28/02/24
IMEXHS Reports FY23 Results
- 28/02/24
FY23 Investor Presentation
- 27/02/24
Appendix 3Y - German Arango
- 22/02/24
Notice of FY23 Results Presentation
- 14/02/24
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 14/02/24
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 14/02/24
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 29/01/24
2023 Q4 Quarterly Activities Report & Appendix 4C
- 29/01/24
IMEXHS Q4 FY23 Results Presentation
- 08/09/23
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 07/09/23
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 07/09/23
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 06/09/23
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 31/08/23
IMEXHS Reports 1H FY23 Results
- 29/08/23
Notification of cessation of securities - IME
- 16/08/23
IMEXHS wins new 5-year SaaS Contract
- 16/08/23
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 27/07/23
2023 Q2 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C
- 04/07/23
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 04/07/23
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 04/07/23
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 04/07/23
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 04/07/23
Appendix 3Y - German Arango
- 04/07/23
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 30/06/23
Notification regarding unquoted securities - IME
- 13/06/23
Change in substantial holding
- 16/05/23
AGM - Chairman & CEO Addresses / Presentation
- 16/05/23
Results of AGM
- 10/05/23
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 10/05/23
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 10/05/23
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 10/05/23
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 10/05/23
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 28/04/23
2023 Q1 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C
- 17/04/23
IMEXHS wins new contract with Grupo Avidanti
- 14/04/23
Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 14/04/23
Notification of cessation of securities - IME
- 13/04/23
Change in substantial holding
- 23/03/23
IMEXHS Investor Update
- 06/03/23
IMEXHS wins new radiology services contract
- 28/02/23
Appendix 4G
- 28/02/23
Corporate Governance Statement
- 28/02/23
FY22 Investor Presentation
- 28/02/23
IMEXHS Reports FY22 Results
- 19/04/2025
Annual Report to shareholders
- 28/02/23
Appendix 4E
- 21/02/23
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 21/02/23
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 21/02/23
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 21/02/23
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 21/02/23
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 31/06/23
2022 Q4 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C
- 05/06/23
- 05/01/23
Cancellation of Unlisted Options
- 28/12/22
IMEXHS wins new contract with IMSS
- 31/10/22
2022 Q3 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C
- 05/10/22
Release of Voluntary Escrow Shares
- 05/10/22
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 05/10/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 05/10/22
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 05/10/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 04/10/22
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 29/09/22
Cleansing Notice under section 708A(5)(e)
- 29/09/22
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 27/09/22
Results of Extraordinary General Meeting
- 27/09/22
EGM - Chairman and CEO Addresses
- 26/09/22
Change in substantial holding
- 01/09/22
30 June 2022 Results - Correction
- 01/09/22
Change in substantial holding
- 01/09/22
Change in substantial holding
- 01/09/22
Appendix 3Y - German Arango
- 01/09/22
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 01/09/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 01/09/22
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 01/09/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 01/09/22
Completion of Entitlement Offer
- 01/09/22
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 30/08/22
IMEXHS Reports 1H FY22 Results
- 30/08/22
Half Yearly Report and Accounts
- 26/08/22
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 26/08/22
Notice of 1H FY22 Results and Conference Call
- 24/08/22
Form 603 Notice of initial substantial holder
- 11/08/22
Non-renounceable Entitlement Offer Booklet
- 11/08/22
Despatch of Entitlement Offer Booklet
- 11/08/22
Entitlement Offer - Letter to Ineligible Shareholders
- 10/08/22
Cleansing Notice under section 708A(5)(e)
- 10/08/22
Completion of Placement (Tranche 1)
- 09/08/22
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 03/08/22
1H FY22 Preliminary Results and Capital Raising
- 03/08/22
Cleansing Notice under Section 708AA(2)(f)
- 03/08/22
Proposed issue of securities - IME
- 01/08/22
Trading halt
- 29/07/22
2022 Q2 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C
- 25/07/22
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 25/07/22
Appendix 3Y - German Arango
- 25/07/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 25/07/22
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 25/07/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 25/07/22
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 18/07/22
Cancellation of Unlisted Options
- 18/07/22
Appendix 3G
- 13/07/22
IMEXHS wins new contract with Colombia's National Police
- 12/07/22
IMEXHS renews three-year contract with Colsubsidio
- 30/05/22
Ceasing to be a substantial holder
- 19/05/22
Results of AGM
- 19/05/22
AGM - Chairman and CEO Addresses
- 19/05/22
AGM Presentation
- 29/04/22
FY22 Outlook Update
- 29/04/22
2022 Q1 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C
- 21/04/22
Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 05/04/22
Cancellation of Unlisted Options
- 29/03/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 28/03/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 28/03/22
Change in substantial holding
- 22/03/22
Appendix 4G
- 21/03/22
IMEXHS 5-year Strategy Presentation
- 28/02/22
2021 Annual Report to shareholders
- 28/02/22
Corporate Governance Statement
- 28/02/22
Appendix 4E
- 21/02/22
Notice of FY21 Results and Conference Call
- 31/01/22
2021 Q4 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C
- 20/01/22
IMEXHS launches Aquila in the Thai Market
- 13/01/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 13/01/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 07/01/22
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 21/12/21
IMEXHS wins new contract with Colombia's National Police
- 20/12/21
Trading Update
- 26/11/21
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 26/11/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 24/11/21
Morgans Technology Conference Presentation
- 22/11/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 08/11/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 08/11/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 04/11/21
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 29/10/21
2021 Q3 Activity Report and Appendix 4C
- 11/10/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 11/10/21
Appendix 3Y - German Arango
- 07/10/21
Becoming a substantial holder
- 07/10/21
Change in substantial holding
- 07/10/21
Ceasing to be a substantial holder
- 06/10/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 05/10/21
Application for quotation of securities - amendment
- 05/10/21
Cleansing Notice
- 05/10/21
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 19/04/2025
AGM - Chairman & CEO Addresses / Presentation
- 05/10/21
IMEXHS Completes the acquisition of RIMAB
- 29/09/21
Results of Extraordinary General Meeting
- 28/09/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 28/09/21
EGM Presentation
- 28/09/21
EGM - Chairman and CEO Addresses
- 23/09/21
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 23/09/21
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 21/09/21
Application for quotation of securities - IME
- 21/09/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 21/09/21
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 17/09/21
Appendix Y - Douglas Flynn
- 14/09/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 09/09/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 02/09/21
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 02/09/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 01/09/21
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 30/08/21
Half Yearly Report and Accounts
- 30/08/21
IMEXHS reports 1H FY21 Financial Results
- 30/08/21
Investor Presentation - 1H FY21 Results
- 16/08/21
Notice of 1HFY21 Conference Call
- 13/08/21
Becoming a substantial holder
- 11/08/21
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 04/08/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 30/07/21
2021 Q2 Activity Report and Appendix 4C
- 26/07/21
Investor Presentation - RIMAB SAS
- 26/07/21
Proposed issue of securities - IME
- 26/07/21
Proposed issue of securities - IME
- 26/07/21
Acquisition of radiology service provider RIMAB SAS
- 08/07/21
Aquila in the Clouds strongest quarter
- 02/07/21
Expiry of Unlisted Options
- 14/05/21
Appendix 3G
- 14/05/21
Appendix 3Y - German Arango
- 14/05/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Flynn
- 14/05/21
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 14/05/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 14/05/21
Appendix 3Y - Carlos Palacio
- 13/05/21
Results of AGM
- 13/05/21
AGM Presentation
- 13/05/21
AGM - Chairman and CEO Addresses
- 12/05/21
Appendix 3Y - Douglas Lingard
- 30/04/21
2021 Q1 Activity Report and Appendix 4C
- 20/04/21
Appendix 3G
- 13/04/21
Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 07/04/21
Date of AGM and Closing Date for Director Nominations
- 31/03/21
Appendix 2A
- 29/03/21
Appendix 4G
- 29/03/21
2020 Annual Report to shareholders
- 29/03/21
Corporate Governance Statement
- 18/03/21
Coffee MicroCaps Presentation
- 16/03/21
Strong momentum continues for Aquila in the Cloud
- 09/03/21
Appendix 2A
- 09/03/21
Appendix 3Y - Doug Lingard
- 04/03/21
- 04/03/21
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 02/03/21
Appendix 2A
- 02/03/21
Appendix 3Y - Doug Flynn
- 02/03/21
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 26/02/21
Appendix 4E - Preliminary Final Report
- 26/02/21
Investor Presentation - FY20 Result
- 17/02/21
Notice of FY20 Result and Conference Call
- 29/01/21
2020 Q4 Activity Report and Appendix 4C
- 05/01/21
Strong finish to 2020 for new Aquila in the Cloud product
- 14/12/20
Company Secretary Resignation
- 02/12/20
Strong ongoing demand for Aquila in the Cloud
- 01/12/20
IMEXHS receives CE Certification for HIRUKO
- 30/11/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Flynn
- 27/11/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Flynn
- 24/11/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Flynn
- 12/11/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Flynn
- 10/11/20
Appendix 3Y - Doug Lingard
- 06/11/20
Becoming a substantial holder
- 06/11/20
Appendix 3A.3-Completion of Consolidation
- 06/11/20
Consolidation Completed &Change of Director Interest Notices
- 04/11/20
Change in substantial holding
- 04/11/20
Change in substantial holding
- 03/11/20
Ceasing to be a substantial holder
- 03/11/20
Change in substantial holding
- 03/11/20
Becoming a substantial holder
- 02/11/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug LIngard
- 30/10/20
Cleansing Notice
- 19/04/2025
Results of Meeting
- 30/10/20
Appendix 2A
- 30/10/20
Cleansing Notice
- 30/10/20
Updated Appendix 3A.3
- 30/10/20
CEO's Address to General Meeting
- 29/10/20
Appendix 2A
- 22/10/20
Proposed issue of Securities - IME
- 22/10/20
Investor Presentation - Capital Raising
- 22/10/20
IMEXHS Successfully completes $8.3M Capital Raising
- 20/10/20
Trading Halt
- 19/10/20
Q3 Quarterly Activity Report & Appendix 4C
- 07/10/20
Appendix 3Y - Doug Flynn
- 29/09/20
Consolidation/Split - IME
- 18/09/20
Completion of Unmarketable Parcel Sale & Share Sale Facility
- 17/09/20
Appendix 3Y - Doug Flynn
- 16/09/20
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 15/09/20
IMEXHS Limited appoints new CFO-Company Secretary
- 11/09/20
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 07/09/20
IME receives purchase order for 6 year deal with Colsanitas
- 07/09/20
Market Update - Aquila in the Cloud
- 04/09/20
Appendix 3Y - Damian Banks
- 03/09/20
Appendix 2A-Release of securities from escrow
- 31/08/20
Appendix 4D & Half-Year Report
- 31/08/20
Investor Presentation - 1H20 Result
- 27/08/20
IMEXHS receives Brazils ANVISA registration for HIRUKO
- 26/08/20
Notice of H1 FY20 Result and Conference Call
- 24/08/20
IMEXHS appoints GM-Business Development for Aust & NZ
- 21/08/20
Release of Securities from Escrow
- 19/08/20
IMEXHS establishes operations in the USA
- 17/08/20
IMEXHS enters into partnership agreement with Vital Images
- 17/08/20
Proposed issue of Securities - IME
- 17/08/20
Debt Repayment and placement of shares
- 14/08/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Flynn
- 11/08/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Flynn
- 11/08/20
Appendix 3Y-Damian Banks
- 30/07/20
Q2 Quarterly Activity Report & Appendix 4C
- 28/07/20
Unmarketable Parcel Sale and Share Sale Facility
- 23/07/20
Appendix 2A
- 16/07/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Lingard
- 02/07/20
Appendix 3Y-Damian Banks
- 26/06/20
Updated Trading Policy
- 22/06/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Lingard
- 22/06/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Flynn
- 22/06/20
Appendix 3Y-Damian Banks
- 18/06/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Lingard
- 18/06/20
Appendix 3Y-Doug Flynn
- 25/05/20
Appendix 3Y-Douglas Flynn
- 25/05/20
Cleansing Notice
- 25/05/20
Appendix 3G
- 25/05/20
Appendix 2A
- 21/05/20
Appendix 3X-Damian Banks
- 20/05/20
Amended Constitution
- 20/05/20
Annual General Meeting Presentation
- 19/05/20
Results of Annual General Meeting
- 19/05/20
2020 Annual General Meeting – Chairman and CEO Addresses
- 09/05/20
Replacement for Appendix 3Y Lodged 8 May 2020
- 08/05/20
Appoinment of Director
- 05/05/20
Appendix 3Y- Douglas Flynn
- 24/04/20
Q1 Quarterly Activity Report & Appendix 4C
- 17/04/20
Notice of Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form
- 17/04/20
Annual Report to Shareholders
- 14/04/20
Annual Report to shareholders
- 14/04/20
Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 11/04/20
Director Retirement
- 05/04/20
IMEXHS accepted on Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace
- 04/04/20
Appendix 3Y-Douglas Flynn
- 29/03/20
IMEXHS-Corporate Presentation
- 27/03/20
Coronavirus Pandemic Update
- 27/03/20
Appendix 4G-Key to Disclosures Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations
- 27/03/20
Annual Financial Report
- 17/03/20
Date of AGM and Closing Date for Director Nominations
- 09/03/20
Appendix 3X‐Douglas Flynn
- 09/03/20
Proposed issue of Securities ‐ IME
- 09/03/20
IMEXHS Appoints Experience Non‐Executive Chairman
- 02/03/20
Appendix 3Y‐Doug Lingard
- 29/02/20
Appendix 3Y-Howard Digby
- 25/02/20
Appendix 4E and Preliminary Final Report
- 28/01/20
IMEXHS Investor Call
- 28/01/20
Quarterly Cashflow and Summary of Activities
- 16/12/19
Notification of 2019 Annual General Meeting Date
- 09/12/19
Change in substantial holding
- 08/12/19
Change in substantial holding-Digital Imaging
- 07/12/19
Change in substantial holding
- 06/12/19
Appendix 3Y-Howard Digby
- 06/12/19
Cleansing Notice
- 06/12/19
IMEXHS-Successful Completion of Tranche 2 Capital Raise
- 30/11/19
Results of General Meeting
- 30/11/19
IMEXHS announces first European SaaS contract
- 29/11/19
Final Director’s Interest Notice
- 26/11/19
IMEXHS Announces Appointment of Interim Chairman
- 23/11/19
IME Signs new contract with AIME Signs new contract with AI-RADI-RAD
- 05/11/19
Change in substantial holding 3
- 05/11/19
Change in substantial holding 2
- 05/11/19
Change in substantial holding 1
- 05/11/19
Change in substantial holding
- 29/10/19
Notice of General Meeting and Proxy Form
- 28/10/19
Cleansing Notice
- 28/10/19
Appendix 3B
- 21/10/19
Share Placement to Raise A$10 Million
- 20/10/19
Presentation to Microcap Conference
- 18/10/19
Trading Halt
- 15/10/19
Quarterly Cash Flow and Summary of Activitites
- 08/10/19
IMEXHS announces first Australian customer
- 05/10/19
Change in Board-Resignation of Chairman
- 04/10/19
Appendix 3Y-Doug Lingard
- 04/10/19
Appendix 3B
- 30/09/19
Results of General Meeting
- 30/08/19
Notice of General Meeting/ Proxy Form
- 24/08/19
Appendix 4D and Half-Year Financial Statements
- 02/08/19
IMEXHS receives FDA Clearance for Hiruko Essential in USA
- 28/07/19
Quarterly Cash Flow and Summary of Activities
- 28/07/19
IMEXHS signs US$500,000 term loan
- 27/07/19
IME signs large Diagnostic Services Contract for Colsubsidio
- 12/07/19
ImExHS Signs a Distribution Agreement in the US Market
- 09/07/19
ImExHS signs A$2 million Loan Agreement
- 01/07/19
IME signs new SaaS contract in Puerto Rico
- 25/05/19
ImExHS extends contract with Clinica Las Americas
- 19/05/19
ImExHS signs distribution agreement in Brazil
- 18/05/19
Replacement Constitution
- 18/05/19
Results of Annual General Meeting
- 18/05/19
Managing Director’s Presentation
- 18/05/19
Chairman’s Address
- 10/05/19
US based AGMednet to use ImExHS in global clinical trials
- 03/05/19
Corporate Presentation
- 30/04/19
Investor Q&A for Ist Qtr Appendix 4C Results
- 27/04/19
Quarterly Cash Flow and Summary of Activities
- 27/04/19
IME enters into Binding Terms sheet for new Debt Facility
- 13/04/19
Annual Report to Shareholders
- 13/04/19
Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form
- 12/04/19
Release of Securities from Escrow
- 18/03/19
Appendix 4G
- 18/03/19
Annual Report
- 18/03/19
IMEXHS signs distribution agreement in Uruguay
- 02/03/19
IMEXHS Corporate Presentation
- 01/03/19
Reminder- IMEXHS FY18 Investor Conference Call
- 25/02/19
Appendix 4E and Preliminary Final Report
- 10/02/19
IME signs new distribution agreement in Central America
- 01/02/19
Appendix 4C- Misclassification within Estimated Cash Outlfows
- 28/01/19
Quarterly chas flow and summary of activities
- 27/01/19
IMEXHS announces an important new SaaS client in Ecuador
- 21/01/19
IMEXHS - signs new distribution agreement in Panama
- 20/01/19
IMEXHS - Important enhancements to Hiruko Product Suite
- 07/01/19
Replacement Appendix 3Y- Doug Lingard
- 07/01/19
Appendix 3y- Doug Lingard
- 04/01/19
Appendix 3Y- Doug Lingard
- 31/12/18
Appendix 3Y- Doug Lingard
- 30/12/18
Appendix 3B- Expiry of Performance Shares Issued in 2015
- 30/12/18
Expiry of Listed Options
- 07/12/18
Appendix 3Y- Doug Lingard
- 07/12/18
Appendix 3B
- 07/12/18
Appendix 3X- Doug Lingard
- 07/12/18
Appointment of Non- Executive Director
- 04/12/18
Change of Share Registry Details
- 30/11/18
Important PaaS deal signed with Colombian radiology company
- 17/11/18
Expiry of Listed Options and Waiver Of Listing Rule 6.24
- 12/11/18
Corporate Presentation
- 22/10/18
Quarterly Cash Flow and Summary of Activities
- 22/10/18
Appendix 3Y- Tom Pascarella
- 22/10/18
Appendix 3B
- 22/10/18
Appendix 3Z- Andrew Lilley
- 22/10/18
Appendix 3X- Thomas Pascarella
- 22/10/18
Changes to IMEXHS Board
- 19/10/18
IMEXHS signs largest contract to date
- 12/10/18
Clinica Palermo contract renewal and uplift
- 29/09/18
IME extends PaaS contract with large LATAM healthcare group
- 23/09/18
Details of Company Address
- 07/09/18
Corporate Update & Investor Presentation
- 31/08/18
Market Announcement- Reinstatement to official quotation
- 28/08/18
Updated Appendix 1A and information form and checklist
- 28/08/18
Updated Statement of Commitments
- 28/08/18
Update Proforma Statement of Financial Position
- 28/08/18
Trading Policy
- 28/08/18
Statement of Capital Structure
- 28/08/18
Interim Accounts
- 28/08/18
- 28/08/18
Corporate Governance Statement
- 28/08/18
Top 20 Listed Options
- 28/08/18
Escrow Letter
- 28/08/18
Distribution schedule shares
- 28/08/18
Distribution Schedule- Listed Options
- 28/08/18
Appendix 1A and information form and Checklist
- 28/08/18
IMEXHS 2017 Audited Account
- 28/08/18
Suspension Remains
- 28/08/18
Reinstatement to Official Quotation
- 19/04/2025
AGM - Chairman & CEO Addresses / Presentation
- 28/08/18
- 27/08/18
Appendix 3Z Final director's Notice
- 27/08/18
Becoming a substantial holder x 3
- 27/08/18
Becoming a substantial holder
- 26/08/18
Becoming a substantial holder
- 26/08/18
Ceasing to be a substantial holder x3
- 26/08/18
Appendix 3X- Carlos Palacio
- 26/08/18
Appendix 3X- German Arango
- 26/08/18
Appendix 3Y x 3
- 26/08/18
Appendix 3B
- 26/08/18
Completion of ImExHS Transaction and Change of Name
- 28/02/24
Annual Report to shareholders
- 31/08/23
Half Yearly Report and Accounts
- 28/02/23
Annual Report to shareholders
- 28/02/23
IMEXHS Reports FY22 Results
- 28/02/22
IMEXHS Reports FY21 Financial Results
- 29/03/21
2020 Annual Report to shareholders
- 24/04/20
Q1 Quarterly Activity Report & Appendix 4C
- 14/04/20
Annual Report to shareholders
- 27/03/20
Annual Financial Report
- 25/02/20
Appendix 4E and Preliminary Final Report
- 13/04/19
Annual Report to Shareholders
- 18/03/19
Annual Report
- 25/02/19
Appendix 4E and Preliminary Final Report
- 19/04/2025
AGM - Chairman & CEO Addresses / Presentation